Monday, September 29, 2014

Set build, it's all an illusion

It's all perception when it comes to shooting product on a set.

It's hard to believe that those comfy little living spaces you see in a catalog or product advertisement are in fact partial rooms held together with stands, clamps, and fishing wire but if the end product is believable then job well done.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chicago bound

This is 204 Studios traveling light.

Location photography solo has it's challenges and it's not often we go sans assistant but new more compact equipment should make the job more manageable. Besides what photographer doesn't like new gadgets to play with.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

child labor

Set prep in the studio.

It's a really cool thing to see the strong work ethic of an eight year old boy. He may not grow up to run the studio but we have a feeling he'll be pretty successful at whatever he goes after. After all if you give this kid a task he's on it.